As you all know we are getting married in Detmold, Germany on May 27th 2006.
We hope that this page provides you with important information with regards to our reception venue, local hotels and things to do within the vicinity. As most people are making a holiday of it, there are lots of things to do in central Germany as all who have been there know (links). Detmold also makes a great base for further travels in Europe.
Amsterdam by car for example is only 2,5 hrs, Berlin 3,5 hrs, Paris 6 hrs. Detmold is in central Germany and that is in central Europe.
Even though the wedding isn't until the 27th we do hope that most people come a week earlier as the festivities will begin then; Bachelor Party etc. As a lot of our guests will be coming from New Zealand, Canada and Norway, there will be LOTS going on! For this reason we have made reservations at the 2 hotels that are listed here; just say that you are part of the Brand/Huneke wedding party when booking. Also, Rachael's parents are putting on an "afterparty" the day following the wedding, Sunday, where New Zealand lamb on the spit will be enjoyed and washed down with New Zealand white wine. So, stay longer!
Thus, the perfect time to be there being 19th/20th until the 29th of May; we look forward to seeing you all there!